Proud to be a Sinclair in NZ
Hi, I'm John Sinclair and this website is dedicated to documenting the history of my small corner of the Sinclair family in New Zealand.
James Sinclair emigrated from Scotland to New Zealand in 1858, his son Robert (Bob) Sinclair bought a farm at Morven in South Canterbury. Bob married twice - first to Emily Faulkner who died young and then to Christina (Chris) Stringer with whom he had 2 children; Caroline (Carol Pirie) and Robert (Rob).
Carol became a teacher and had 4 children. Rob would go on to run the family farm and also had 4 children of which I am the eldest.
The family is now spread out with members living in New Zealand, South Korea and (sometimes) India.
Recent Posts
The latest treasures excavated from the Sinclair family archives
Bill Penno – eulogy from Rob Sinclair’s funeral
By John Sinclair |
Carol and Hadyn Pirie’s 1961 wedding in Waimate, South Canterbury
By John Sinclair |
Carol Pirie reflects on life growing up on the farm with her brother Rob
By John Sinclair |
Morven Scout troop Lilybank Station camp c.1989
By John Sinclair |
Bob Sinclair - Free e-Book!
A history on the life of Robert (Bob) Sinclair, a farmer based for most of his life in Morven, South Canterbury, New Zealand. He was married twice (first to Emily Faulkner and then Christina Stringer) and father of Carol and Rob.
Written by Caroline Pirie (nee. Sinclair)